Okay, photos time!
52 photos taken in Flora Expo :)
Evening ticket, costs about RM15
Grrr I hate shakey hands :(
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
Indoor Floriculture Exhibition

Well it was already quite late and we were rushing to Jiufen, we only managed to visit Floriculture Expo, didn't visit other parks... :S
Well anyway I went there for the 2nd time with Kevin before we left Taiwan! :)
To train station, bought tickets to Rueifang 瑞芳
Waiting for train
Reached after...erm...an hour or so? I can't remember -_-"
Jiufen we're coming!! :D
The lady boss from our guesthouse in Jinguashi picked us from Rueifang station
Our room... smaller than expected lol!
That's all for today, more tomorrow :)
Thank you Cath :))
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